Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Reception & Hospitality

 Section A: The Importance of Reception

1) What is the reception area? (2 marks)

2) How would you define a receptionist and hospitality? (4 marks)

3) Give three reasons why the receptionist area is vital. (3 marks)

4) What are the two main roles of a receptionist? (2 marks)

5) Explain each role listed in 4 above. (6 marks)

6) Define interpersonal relationships and goodwill. (4 marks)

7) Create a checklist of six tips for maintaining effective interpersonal relationships. (6 marks)

8) Create a checklist  of six tips for goodwill and image. (6 marks)

Section B: Duties, Responsibilities & Attributes of a Receptionist

            1) Receiving and screening visitors
            2) Coping with problems
            3) Introducing visitors
            4) Maintaining the reception register

            5) Operating a switchboard
            6) Receiving letters and parcels
            7) Managing and maintaining the reception area
            8) Receiving and filing business cards

Procedures and Screening

a) Define the terms procedures and screen. (4 marks)

b) List three types of visitors. (3 marks)

c) What are the procedures for screening the three types of visitors above? (8 marks)

d) What are the procedures for screening all visitors? (2 marks)

Duties and Responsibilities

a)  Distinguish between i) receiving and screening and ii) introducing visitors (4 marks)

b) Distinguish between i) receiving and filing business cards and ii) maintaining the reception register (4 marks)

c) Differentiate between i) managing and maintaining the reception area and ii) operating a switchboard (4 marks)

d) Differentiate between i) receiving letters and parcels and ii) coping with problems (4 marks)

Attributes of a Receptionist

Personal Appearance

·         Good grooming

·         Tidy freshly washed hair

·         Clean nails

·         Freshly laundered and pressed clothes

·         Appropriate shoes

·         Subtle jewellery

·         Make-up restrained


Good temperament

·         Positive attitude

·         Even tempered



Willingness to use initiative

·       Being positive

·  Seeing difficulties as challenges, not  problems

·       Helping someone, finding options

· Suggesting an acceptable solution or

  compromise to solve a problem



·  Do not make hurtful statements

·  Making positive and helpful remarks

·  Making people feel good about




·       Speaking clearly

·  Use appropriate words to explain or describe a situation

·       People usually understand you easily

·   Have the skills, patience and ability to rephrase your statement to help them understand more easily  


See Comments for Appointments and Reminder Systems


  1. Managing Appointments

    a) List two ways of making appointments. (2 marks)

    b) What are paper-based appointment systems? (2 marks)

    c) Give two examples of paper-based appointment systems? (2 marks)


  2. d) Distinguish between paper-based appointment and electronic systems? (3 marks)

    e) List 4 advantages of electronic systems? (4 marks)

    f) List a major disadvantage of electronic systems. (1 mark)


  3. g) Describe two types of appointments that you will make. (3 marks)

    h) Should all appointments be entered or amended in the diary promptly? Why?


  4. i) List 6 key information needed for making an appointment. (6 marks)


  5. j) List the procedure receptionists should follow when making appointments. (5 marks)


  6. k) What is a special note? (2 marks)


  7. l) What procedure should receptionists follow for cancelling an appointment? (5 marks)


  8. m) List 6 things you need to know if you are responsible for maintaining an executive's diary. (6 marks)


  9. n) Create a checklist for maintaining a diary. (6 marks)


  10. o) What is rescheduling? (2 marks)

    p) What is the procedure for rescheduling? (3 marks)


  11. q) What are reminder systems? (2 marks)

    r) Why are reminder systems important? ( 2 marks)

    s) List 3 types of reminder systems. (3 marks)

    u) Describe each type of reminder systems. (6 marks)
