Saturday, August 22, 2020


Different Types of Office layouts - Commercialproperty2sell

What is an office?

An office is generally a room or other area where an organisation's employees perform certain tasks and administrative work in order to support and realise organisational objectives and goals. Therefore, the office is at the centre of how a business functions.

What do People do in an Office?

  • Communicating messages and letters
  • Keep records of financial transactions
  • Make and receive calls
  • Receive visitors
  • Handle mail
  • Type

*See comments for the types of organisations and offices.


  1. Types of Organisations (Harrison, 1996)

    1. Manufacturing and Industrial
    These organisations produce raw materials or manufacture them into finished goods, e.g. farming, mining, building, manufacturing cars, office machines, furniture, chemicals, clothes, books etc.

    2. Commercial
    Commercial organisations distribute goods from the manufacturer to the consumer or aids to trade, e.g. retailing, wholesaling, transporting, advertising, banking, insurance.

    3. Services
    These organisations provide social and personal services, e.g. schools, hospitals, doctors, police, solicitors

  2. Types of Offices

    1. Human Resource Office
    The Human Resource Office is responsible for recruiting new employees, helping to keep staff motivated and monitoring staff turnover. HR also ensures that the business complies with all its legal responsibilities on health and safety and employment protection.

    2. Accounts Office
    The Accounts Office will handle the processing of all money that comes into the business, as well as money that is spent by the business. The Accounts Office ensures that the owners of the business can know the overall expenditure and earnings or if the business is making a profit.

    3. Sales and Marketing Office
    This office is the most customer-focused part of the business. it communicates directly with customers in order to promote and sell the good or service the business produces.

    4. Purchasing and Stock Control Office
    This office is responsible for buying the raw materials that are inputs into the production process. The office makes sure that there is enough of these materials in the right place at the right time in order to facilitate production.

    5. Records Management Office
    This office may look after all the documents and records that are generated by the other offices in the company. These documents ensure that information related to the functioning of the company is preserved for future reference. The Records Management Office ensures that documents are stored safely, in a logical way and that they are easily accessible.

  3. More Questions

    a) Explain the significance of an office.

    b) Describe three things you see when you enter an office.
