Sunday, August 23, 2020

Importance of Good Relationships

 Good relationships are vital in the workplace because they bolster employee well-being or happiness and employee productivity.  There are various ways to improve relationships with supervisors, colleagues and internal/external clients.


9 Ways to Get Along With Your Boss

1. Appreciate the pressure they may be under and how this may affect them.

2. Do not bring them a problem you can solve yourself.

3. Make your priorities the same as theirs.

4. Respect their superiority and status.


Getting along with your work colleagues – Pre Masters Education

                                                                1. Treat everyone the same.

                                                                2. Repay favours when you can.

                                                                3. Be confidential.

                                                                4. Be helpful.

                                                                5. Be loyal.


                     Internal/External Clients

Automotive, Aeronautical, Pharmaceutical - Time-Critical Freight

1. Be friendly and courteous to all clients.

2. Don't keep clients waiting.

3. Know who can help a client if you cannot

 4. Help all clients.

1 comment:

  1. Questions

    1. Suggest 4 ways in which a new employee should behave to develop a good working relationships with their new colleagues.

    2. Why is it important to develop good relationships with supervisors, colleagues and clients?
