Sunday, August 23, 2020

Skills, Atittudes and Attributes

 Skills refer to the abilities you have learned, e.g. computer literacy, time management.

Attitude refers to how you think and behave e.g. teamwork, tolerance, safety conscious.

Attributes refer to the characteristics that you are born with, integrity and confidence.


Computer literacy and proficiency in using productivity tools.


Literacy is the ability to read and write.

The benefits of reading books (infographic) | Book infographic, Books to  read, Reading benefits

Effective Communication means writing and talking clearly, listening keenly, using 

                 appropriate body language.

A Guide to Effective Communication in Today's Digital World

Analytical Problem-Solving means considering all aspects by obtaining the information                  needed to solve a problem. You can solve minor problems on your own and seek                 assistance when necessary.

Analytical and Creative Problem Solving - ppt download

Numeracy is the ability to work with numbers. All office workers should be able to 

               calculate accurately.

Numeracy | The Australian Curriculum

Time Management means using time effectively, not wasting time, planning and                            prioritising.


10 Ways to Manage your time Efficiently and Effectively - Sharp Result


Teamwork refers to a group of people working together cohesively towards a common goal. They create a positive working atmosphere and support each other.

Environmentally Aware means that you are conscious that your actions can impact the planet positively or negatively so you conserve or reduce, reuse and recycle. For example, you turn the lights off when you leave the room and print on both sides of the paper. 

Safety Conscious means that you know that taking risks can cause problems, not just for you but also for others. Therefore you work carefully, report hazards and obey all safety instructions.

Tolerance and Appreciation of Diversity means accepting other people even if they are completely different from you. Tolerance is important in the workplace because it reduces conflict, bolsters creativity and productivity, broadens one's knowledge, creates a positive environment, and encourages effective teamwork. When workers appreciate diversity, it builds their experiences and helps them to become wiser.

Socially Responsible means that you try to help other people, especially those less fortunate than yourself. For example, you may give back to the community and assist the elderly.


Regularity/punctuality: reliability

Positive work ethic: cheerful and enjoy working

Integrity, honesty, confidentiality: trusted, fairness

Willingness: respond positively

Deportment: attire and tidiness

Self-esteem, confidence: worth, high standards

1 comment:


    1. Differentiate between skills and attitude.

    2. List 4 skills a junior clerk should have.

    3. Give 2 reasons why it is important to be computer literate and literate.

    4. List 3 ways to improve your time management skills.

    5. List 5 attitudes all office workers should possess (TASTES).

    6. Define: a) group dynamics b) team spirit c) safety conscious d) environmentally aware/conscious.

    7. List 4 attributes office workers should possess.

    8. Distinguish between integrity and honesty.

    9. Define a) positive work ethic b) self-esteem/confidence c) deportment d) willingness
